How Much Does Azure Cost a Lone Developer?
Well, how long is a piece of string..? It’s basically the same answer. It depends. Not very helpful right? Well don’t worry I’m not going to be that pedantic! The aim of this post is to give you a...
View ArticleHow much did the MCSD cost me?
Almost a year ago now, I decided that I wanted to re-obtain a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer, (MCSD), accreditation. Here I describe how much it cost, and whether it was worth it. Why? Before...
View ArticleWhich is best? WebSockets or SignalR
Intro In this article we’ll build fully working chat apps with c# and .NET Core, using both WebSockets and SignalR, helping you decide which will work best for you. What You’ll Learn By the end of this...
View ArticleDeploy a .NET Core API with Docker
In this how-to, we create a Docker image based on a .NET Core API, deploy to DockerHub, and run on Windows, Linux and Azure. What is Docker? Docker is a containerization platform, meaning that it...
View ArticleConnect to SQL Server running in Docker
Streamline your development workflow by using Docker to stand up and run SQL Server instances quickly and without fuss. What is Docker? For an introduction to Docker, please take a look at my last...
View ArticleAzure Functions in C#
In this step by step tutorial, you’ll learn how to build an “information aggregator” by using Azure Functions to call the Stack Overflow API and send the results back to your Slack channel. What Are...
View ArticleSecure a .NET Core API using Bearer Authentication
In this step by step tutorial, we secure a .NET Core API using Bearer authentication, JSON Web Tokens, (JWT), and Azure Active Directory (AAD). What You’ll Learn By following the steps in this article,...
View ArticleCustom Local Domain using HTTPS, Kestrel & ASP.NET Core
Learn how to create a custom domain, (not “localhost”), for your local ASP.NET Core development environment using Kestrel and secure it with HTTPS and a Self-Signed Certificate. What You’ll Learn This...
View ArticleFault Handling with Polly – A Beginners Guide
Polly is the de-facto resilience and transient fault handling library for .NET. This article is a step by step beginners guide to using some of the most useful features of Polly. What You’ll Learn This...
View ArticleRedis as a primary database?
Redis is renowned for its speed and use as a cache, but can we use Redis as our primary application database? In this tutorial we find out if we can build a .NET 6 API using Redis as the primary db…...
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